
I am a critical Black Studies scholar of political theory, political economy, intellectual history, and political and historical sociology. My research pursues three complementary lines of inquiry. The first interrogates the transnational entanglements of U.S. capitalist racism, anticommunism, and antiblack racial oppression. The second excavates twentieth-century Black anticapitalist intellectual thought, theory, and praxis. My third area of focus examines theories and discourses of economic development in the African diaspora.

I am the author of Black Scare/Red Scare: Theorizing Capitalist Racism in the United States and the co-author, with Dr. Gerald Horne, of W.E.B. Du Bois: A Life in American History. I am also the co-editor, with Dr. Jodi Dean, of Organize, Fight, Win: Black Communist Women’s Political Writings and of Reproducing Domination: On the Caribbean and the Postcolonial State with Dr. Aaron Kamugisha and Dr. Percy Hintzen. Additionally, I guest edited the “Claudia Jones: Foremother of World Revolution” special issue of The Journal of Intersectionality.

My published work appears in journals including Small Axe, Monthly Review, Souls, Du Bois Review, Socialism & Democracy, International Journal of Africana Studies, CLR James Journal, and American Communist History. My words are featured in popular venues including Monthly Review, Boston Review, Essence magazine, Teen Vogue, Jacobin, The Nation, and Black Agenda Report. I have been interviewed on podcasts, radio shows, and news shows including The Real News Network, Breakthrough News, Black Myths, Millennials Are Killing Capitalism, The Red Nation, AJ+, Bad Faith, The Katie Halper Show, Revolutionary Left Radio, Guerilla History, Upstream and the New Books Network.

I am a member of the Black Alliance for Peace and Community Movement Builders.